{LANtastic Printer Server StationWare {LANtastic network printer application for use {with the Artisoft Central Station connectivity processor This pre-loaded software makes the Central Station connectivity processor a printer server on an Artisoft LANtastic network. With LANtastic Printer Server StationWare, the Central Station processor becomes the way station to accept printer output from anywhere on the network and direct it to any of its two serial and one parallel ports. A LANtastic server manages print queues, which are then handed off to the Central Station on-board processor and on to the printer. Because the files are handled in the Central Station processor, network servers are freed from print management tasks and can perform their other assignments with dispatch. The printer or printers can be placed in any convenient space, since the Central Station connectivity platform replaces the PC to which a printer is normally attached. {Features {o} Accepts print jobs from every station on a LANtastic network {o} Directs network printing to any of three printers connected to Central Station platform {o} Operates from a LANtastic server or workstation {o} Enables placement of the printer in any convenient space without connecting to a dedicated PC {o} User-friendly configuration program allows changes (kept in PEROM) to pre-loaded setup; changes are then stored on board and become your default. {o} Server or workstation loads a TSR of less than 2K to redirect print jobs to the Central Station processor. {Specifications {Requirements {o} IBM PC or compatible computer with MS-DOS 3.1 or above (3.2 not recommended), one floppy drive and standard parallel port {o} LANtastic Network Operating System {o} Central Station connectivity processor {LANtastic Dial-Up Connection StationWare {Pre-loaded modem software to call into a LANtastic network {via the Artisoft Central Station connectivity processor Office walls cannot contain your LANtastic network. Executives, sales representatives and specialists out in the field can connect into the office LANtastic network with access to files, programs and printers. With one part of the software running in the remote station and the other resident on the processor's PEROM, the Central Station unit becomes a telephone gateway to the LANtastic network, giving you the ability to transfer files, exchange e-mail, use printers and the rest of the network's devices. Although the system will operate with a 1200-baud modem, for all but small transfers we recommend 9600 baud or better, using V.32 or V.42 standards with error-checking and data compression, because the modem limits the speed of the remote-to-network link. Using this advanced application on the Central Station connectivity processor, your LANtastic system can reach around the world. {Features: {o} Lets you dial into a LANtastic network by modem from anywhere in the world {o} Supports up to 56000 baud {o} Provides access to server's files and peripherals within security settings {o} Password security prevents unauthorized Central Station access {o} User-friendly configuration program allows changes to pre- loaded setup {Specifications {Requirements {o} IBM PC or compatible computer on each end of the connection with MS-DOS 3.1 or above (3.2 not recommended), one floppy drive and standard parallel port {o} LANtastic Network Operating System {o} Central Station connectivity processor {o} One modem on each end of the link set to the same baud rate (supports 1200 to 56,000 baud) ARTISOFT, INC. 691 East River Road Tucson, AZ 85704 USA Sales/Customer Service 1-800-TINY RAM Technical Support 1-602-293-6363 Headquarters 1-602-293-4000 Fax 1-602-293-8065 Offices in the Netherlands, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Australia, Japan and Mexico. 1993 ARTISOFT, INC. All rights reserved. Artisoft, AE-2/T, ArtiCom, Central Station, Peer-Hub, Sounding Board and StationWare are trademarks and AE-3, LANtastic and The Network Eye are registered trademarks of Artisoft, Inc. NetWare is a registered trademark of Novell, Inc. Other company, brand and product names are the trademarks and/or property of their respective companies. Specifications subject to change without notice.